Adult therapy


When life takes an unexpected turn, whether by accident or through sickness, some of us need assistance getting back on our feet.  We can help.

Improve your daily life through rehab

If you or a loved one have suffered a stroke or another type of brain injury, you may have noticed a number of changes to speech, language, and cognitive communication skills.  Some of these changes may include:

Apraxia of Speech

This occurs when there has been damage to brain pathways that coordinate the muscles for speech: sounds & words may come out wrong, one may have trouble imitating sounds & words, adding new sounds, leaving sounds out, or not being able to initiate speech at all. 

Brain Injuries

After a Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury, one may find it hard to read, write, speak, or even make gestures. There may be changes in thinking, memory, word-finding, smooth speech, problem-solving and organizing.  Other factors such as medications, mood/self-regulation and fatigue can also impact communication.


One’s speech might sound slurred due to certain conditions or disorders that cause facial paralysis, weakened tongue and face muscles, a slow rate of speech, or poor breath support.  This makes it difficult for the speaker to convey their message and for the listener to understand.


Aphasia is a loss of language (not intelligence!) impacting roughly 30% of stroke survivors.  Changes may include difficulty getting words out, forming sentences, being specific when expressing ideas, and changes to reading & writing skills.  Patients may also have difficulty understanding what is being said, following directions, and being socially appropriate. 


Swallowing problems (Dysphagia) can occur due to diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, Guillain Barre Syndrome, or Cancer.  Swallowing difficulties may also arise from a stroke or head trauma, a long hospital stay causing deconditioning, or a simple product of aging.


Prolonged effects of Covid-19 include changes in memory capacity, attention, organization skills, and word-finding.  Ongoing difficulty with breath support, weakened voice, and swallowing problems have also been reported, often as a result of long hospital stays and intubation.

There are many reasons why one’s speech might change and it’s hard to summarize in a single page.  We can also assist you with a variety of other specialty therapies & programs for difficulties stemming from:

Burn Management
Head & Neck Cancer
Neurodegenerative Diseases

Adult Stuttering Mumbling

Long-Covid Effects

As the years go by, we’re learning more about the long-term, far-reaching impacts of the virus.  Studies have shown that following a COVID diagnosis, changes to a person’s memory, speed, attention, word-finding, and thought organization are negatively impacting daily life.  Ongoing difficulty with breath support, weakened voice, and swallowing problems have also been reported, often as a result of long hospital stays and intubation.

Our skilled SLP’s have been on the front lines, successfully treating individuals who have experienced COVID-19’s devastating effects.  We can help in your recovery and improve your quality of life.

Your injuries don’t define you.  Let us help you find your voice.

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