Children & Adult’s Therapy

myofunctional Therapy

What is an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder?

The muscles of the mouth and face, or the Orofacial Complex, play a significant role in vital tasks such as drinking, eating, and breathing.  They also impact our social interactions as they’re involved in speaking and in expressing emotions.  When these muscles are used incorrectly during rest, swallowing, or speech, the result is an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD).

OMD’s can result in lips remaining open at rest, breathing through your mouth, crowded teeth, narrow upper or lower jaw, facial growth that can be long or narrow, relapsed orthodontic issues, poor posture, compromised sleep and breathing issues.

We will identify any causal factors contributing to your OMD and ensure that these are remedied before your Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) begins.

We employ a research-based program that is executed in three phases so that your tongue is used correctly and will begin to sit in its ideal resting position.

What can Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) Help with?

Eliminate Thumb-Sucking

Correct Tongue-Resting Posture

Improve Your Breathing

Reduce Open-Mouth Posture

Improve Sluggish Appearance

Improve Your Sleep

Correct Tongue Thrust

Assess Need For Tongue-Tie Release

Eliminate Nail Biting

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We’re part of a network of allied health professionals

Achieving optimum results can take a team.  We will make referrals to, and work in conjunction with, the appropriate professionals including Dentists, Orthodontists, Otolaryngologists (ENT’s), Psychologists, and other skilled health professionals so that you can achieve the best you!

Here’s the best advice you’ll hear today: Invest in you!

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